b'Maintaining Trust andSupport Through ComplianceSince our founding, HealthWell has strictly complied with allHealthWell works rigorously federal regulations governing charitable patient assistanceto be the highly rated, programs (CPAPs). These regulationsoverseen by the U.S.trustworthy, efficient, and transparent CPAP we are DepartmentofHealthandHumanServices,OfficeofInspector today. We continue to General (OIG)are designed to protect the integrity of federalreceive external recognition health care programs regarding CPAPs structure. from charity watchdog organizations and publications We fully support this oversight and use it to guide everythingyear after year, and in 2023, we were honored to:wedo.Indeed,meetingandexceedingtherequirementsofallapplicablelawsandregulatoryrequirementsishowweoperateasaFoundationandhowourBoardandstaffoperate as individuals. These high ethical standards set usRank 23rd on Forbes 2023 list of apart from many other CPAPs and are critical to maintainingThe 100 Largest U.S. Charities. the continued trust and support of our dedicated individualHealthWell was also recognized by and corporate donors. Failing in this mission is not an option. Forbes as one of only nine charities nationwide to achieve a 100 percent To learn more about HealthWells commitment to fundraisingefficiencyrating,akeyperformanceindicatorthatreflectsthecompliance,ethics,andfinancialtransparency,stewardship of raised funds.visit www.healthwellfoundation.org/about/compliance/.Score 99 out of 100 on Charity Navigators Encompass Rating System.Be awarded the 2023 GuideStar Platinum Seal of Transparency.Rank as a 2023 Top-Rated Charity by GreatNonProfits.PAGE 8 HEALTHWELL FOUNDATION 2023 ANNUAL REPORT'