b'Letter from our Board Chair2023 was a milestone year for the HealthWell Foundation. We proudly celebrated our 20th anniversary of providing help, healing and hope for Americas underinsured. For two decades,wehaveconsistentlyandcontinuouslydemonstratedthatweputpatientsfirstevery single day, in everything we do. ForHealthWell,puttingpatientsfirstmeansassistingthemcompassionately,efficientlyand compliantly. It also means supporting patients beyond our core mission of providing financialgrantsformedicationcopaymentsandinsurancepremiums.Initiatives announced in 2023 support our wide-ranging commitment to patients and are but two examples of the innovative ways HealthWell continues to carry out our mission.InSeptember2023,HealthWellwashonoredtoberecognizedforoureffortstoadvancethe goals of the White House Cancer Moonshot. We are committed to Cancer Moonshot-alignedinitiativesthathelppatientsafford,andconsequentlyadhereto,prescribedtreatmentregimensthatimprovetheirsurvival;providefinancialassistancetoqualifiedpatients to address disparities in oncology clinical trial participation; and help oncology caregiverswithcertainout-of-pocketfinancialneeds.Inadditiontoourpledgetosupportfamilycaregiversfinancially,welaunchedanewFamilyCaregiverswebpagein2023thatoffersresources,insights,andpracticaladvicefor both novice and seasoned caregivers.Whileourimpactcontinuestomultiplyyearafteryear,therisingcostofinflationandtheinherentfinancialburdenthatcomeswithchronicillnessmeanthereismoretobedoneand more people to help through our programs. That is why our dedication to providing access to life-changing, often lifesaving, medications to patients who have nowhere else to turn is unwavering.Thank you to our board of directors, corporate and contact center teams, provider and pharmacy network, and patient advocacy partners for ensuring the patients who count on us can continue to do so. And thank you to the individual and corporate donors who generously support our mission toreducefinancialbarrierstocareforpatientswithchronicorlife-alteringdiseases.Eachyear, your continued trust and generosity allow us to help thousands of underinsured Americanswhomayforgocriticalmedicaltreatmentssimplybecausetheycannotaffordthem. Thank you again for helping us help those who have nowhere else to turn.David L. Knowlton Board ChairHEALTHWELL FOUNDATION 2023 ANNUAL REPORT PAGE 3'