b'HealthWell Foundation 2023 Highlights Help, Healing & Hope20 Years of Unwavering Commitment to Assist Patients in NeedIn 2023, HealthWell celebrated our 20th anniversary. Over the past two decades, we have offeredAmericasunderinsuredhelp,healingandhopebyawarding$4,150,016,649 in financialsupportto932,798 underinsured patients through 1,519,103 grants.In 2023, we received a record $730,933,226 in individual and corporate contributions. As a result of this generous support, we awarded $1,081,984,824 in medication copayment and insurance premium assistance through 217,740 grants to 203,335* underinsured patients.In 2023, we were also proud to:Appoint long-term board member, David L.Diversify and grow our individual donor base Knowlton, as our new Board Chair after ourto over 80,200 donors, with more than 18,400 previous Board Chair, Stephen M. Weiner,giving in 2023, resulting in a record-high year-stepped down after 19 years and becameend public charity percentage.ChiefComplianceOfficer. Continue to enhance our social mediaAnnounceourdesignationasanofficial presence across all platforms, which has resource through the White House Cancerresulted in over 13,000 followers, over 2.4 Moonshot initiative.million media impressions, more than 36,000 Launch or re-open 24 funds, including newengagements, and over 19,000 clicks.funds to assist patients with Blepharitis,Educate more than 25,000 followers about IgA Nephropathy, Systemic Sclerosis withpeople, programs, and organizations changing Interstitial Lung Disease, and Type 2 Diabetes. how health care is delivered through our Real Restructure our COVID-19 Frontline HealthWorld Health Care blog, resulting in 29,435 Care Workers Behavioral Health Fund aspage views in 2023.the Emergency/Medical Workers BehavioralPartner with over 65 national patient HealthFundtoprovidefinancialassistance advocacy groups and health care forbehavioralhealthservicesforqualified organizations aligned with the disease areas emergency/medical workers. we cover to share resources to support Enhance our online application, tools, patient communities. In 2023, we welcomed and web resources to streamline the grantthe American Diabetes Association, IgA process further. Nephropathy Foundation of America, National Scleroderma Foundation and the AfricanProvidefinancialassistancetothefamilies American Diabetes Association, Inc., to our of 2,329 children with chronic or life-alteringalliance partner network.conditions through our HealthWell PediatricSpread our message nationally through major Assistance Fund. news outlets including MarketWatch, Yahoo! Assist 158 oncology patients seekingFinance, Seeking Alpha, and Morningstar, behavioral health services through ourresulting in over 1.78 billion media impressions.Cancer-Related Behavioral Health Fund.Enhanceourstaffwiththeadditionof64newContinue operating 60 funds in variousemployees across our Corporate and Contact disease areas, including multiple funds inCenter teams.oncology, and our special initiative funds in behavioral health and pediatrics. * Some eligible patients receive grants through more than one fund during the year.HEALTHWELL FOUNDATION 2023 ANNUAL REPORT PAGE 5'