b'Americans Are Burdened by High Health Care CostsThe HealthWell Foundation Helps to Ease Those BurdensFor many Americans, including those with health insurance, the high cost of health care and resulting medical debt are making them sicker and poorer. 1 in 5 1 in 10Americans has medical debtInsured Americans delays ordoes not fill a prescription due to costSource: The Commonwealth Fund Source: KFFOlder adults face outsized health Working-age adults and the middle class cost burdensare not immuneWhile people 50 and older make up a little more than one- In 2023, half of insured working-age adults found it very third of the U.S. population, they account for more than halforsomewhatdifficulttoaffordtheirhealthcare.Likeolderof national spending on health care, owing to their higher- adults, many (37 percent) delayed or skipped health care or than-average health needs. Even older adults (50-64) whoprescriptiondrugsbecausetheycouldntaffordthem.are still working and covered by employer health plans feelNearly one-third of working-age adults reported having the pain of high health care costs, especially if they havemedicalordentaldebttheywerepayingoffovertimeinlow or moderate incomes.2023. The heart of the middle classthose with incomes 54 percent of them are underinsured. between $50,000 and $100,000 for a typical family of threeNearlyhalfofthosewithlowincomehavedifficulties in 2023sees the highest rate of medical debt, despite affordingtheirpremiumsandskipordelaycare having higher rates of good insurance coverage.because of cost.63 percent of those who struggle with medical bills and debtarenotconfidenttheyhaveenoughmoneyNearly a quarter of the U.S. population is to retire. covered by health plans that dont ensure Those65andolderonMedicarealsofacefinancial affordable access to careburdens.Justunderoneinfiveisunderinsured,morethan It is important to remember that insurance coverage does oneinfivestrugglestoaffordtheirMedicarepremiums,and not prevent people from incurring medical debt. Even as about one in six has problems with medical bills and debt.the number of people with health insurance rose by the end of 2022, health policy experts warned that the problem of underinsurance and high out-of-pocket costs would People with chronic conditions especiallycontinue to be a problem in 2023.struggle with medical debtThe HealthWell Foundation helps to ease health care Chronic illnesses and conditions like cancer, ALS, and liverfinancial burdens for tens of thousands of Americans diseaseputpatientsathigherriskofexperiencingfinancial every year. Our medication copayment and insurance difficultyduringtreatmentandbeyond.Halfofadults premium assistance has provided access to life-changing, reporting medical debt in 2023 said it was for expensesoften lifesaving, treatments for patients who have nowhere associated with the treatment of an ongoing condition. else to turn. For 20 years, this has been our unwavering commitment to our mission.PAGE 2 HEALTHWELL FOUNDATION 2023 ANNUAL REPORT'