b'In the Words of Those We HelpedIn 2014, my husband Jack was diagnosed with IdiopathicJoyous tears and chills powered through my body like a Pulmonary Fibrosis, a disease of the lungs for which there is15-foot wave. I had to catch my breath. News of a grant, a no cure. He was told he had three months or so to live. generous grant that would save my life, ripped apart every Although there are medications thatassumption I had about being old, not investable, and less slow the progression of the disease,valued. What a day that was. A powerful portion of that they also have an extremely highwave rushed over my four children, price tag. In 2017, Jack receivedtheir spouses, ten grandchildren, hisfirstgrantthroughHealthWells two great grandchildren, longtime Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosisfriends, great neighbors, and my Jack and Sharon Sam Fund. He lived another eight yearsnave little dog.after his diagnosis thanks to life- The outcome of my life is only sustaining medications that we would never have been ableBelinda a piece in the beauty of hope toaffordifitwerentforthemiraculoussupportwereceived in humanity your organization from his doctor and the HealthWell Foundation.extended to all of us. You touch one and it multiplies the We share our story of working together with the securityqualityoflifeformany.MyfaithisupliftedwhenIbrowseof HealthWells assistance and compassion to boost theyour website. Because of all my working years, I know in part spirits of many who found themselves falling into feelingsthe complexity of such a business, the tenaciousness and of hopelessness and abandonment. I want to thank thedevotion you all put into this. It softens the heart despite the HealthWell Foundation for giving us more time togetherpain of daily news. Thank you for the goodness you give.and encourage others to seek HealthWells profoundBelinda R.assistance. We were under the illusion that grants wereFresno, Californiahard to get. HealthWell made the experience not only possiblebutefficient. Thisyear,IamthefortunatebeneficiaryofaHealthWellFoundation grant that is covering the $1,200 monthly Sharon Sam D. Medicare copayments for a very expensive heart medication Wailea, Maui, Hawaiito treat my genetic Hypertrophic Both twins are doing well. We so appreciate all HealthWellCardiomyopathy (HCM) condition. has done for us over the years. The twins good health hasThis new wonder drug has been been directly impacted by having access to the medicationmy lifeline since February 2023, and supplements the Foundationand follow-up cardiology visits have has provided the funds for. We areshown strong improvements in the so thankful for the wonderful teamAnn echocardiograms and other tests I behind the Foundation and gratefulhave taken.for the generosity of the donors. Afterotherprescriptionswereineffective,thismedicationThe twins are already nine yearshas let me resume daily physical activities by substantially Arielle and Joelle old. They have been meeting alllowering my cardiac obstruction number from 88 to the their height and weight goals. They9-35 range. The medication has also spared me (and my both love school and cross country trail running. Their mainfamily) from undergoing a second heart surgery, which interest in life is dogs. I told them in time Im sure the rightwouldhavebeendifficultnowthatIampastage80.dogwillfindthem.Thankyouforeverything. [I wish to express] my profound appreciation and gratitude Torey B., mom to twins Arielle and Joelle to the HealthWell leadership team and donors for this life-changing support.Bishop, CaliforniaAnn P.Jackson, New JerseyPAGE 4 HEALTHWELL FOUNDATION 2023 ANNUAL REPORT'