b'Making a DifferenceThanks to You!Generous contributions from our dedicated corporatemedical treatments due to the cost. Your tax-deductible and individual donors enable us to change the lives ofcontribution will make a life-changing difference to tens of thousands of underinsured Americans everypeople in urgent need of assistance. More than 99% of year. When you donate to the HealthWell Foundation,every dollar donated to HealthWell goes directly to patient you are helping us say Yes we can help you, to patientsgrants and services. Here are some ways you can become a who would otherwise forgo critical, often lifesaving,HealthWell Foundation supporter.Corporate Gifts Estate GiftsCompanies can become involved with the HealthWellYou can make an extraordinary difference in the lives Foundation in a number of ways. Opportunitiesof others by making a planned gift to the HealthWell are available to launch new programs and cause- Foundation. Remembering the HealthWell Foundation in marketing campaigns or to support one or moreyour will or trust is one of the most meaningful gifts you of our current disease funds. Your support allowscan offer to those who struggle with chronic illness and us to keep funds open, create new funds for priorityneed the financial support for their lifesaving medications diseases, and meet the growing need for our services.when their insurance simply isnt enough. For more Please contact HealthWells Development Office atinformation on how you can include the HealthWell (240)632-5300 to discuss how we can collaborate.Foundation in your estate plans, please contact our We would be happy to work with you to design anDevelopment Office at (240)632-5300 or emaileffective partnership. [email protected] Gifts Workplace and Matched GiftsYour generous tax-deductible gift at any level will helpEmployees can support the HealthWell Foundation by patients pay for life-changing medical treatments theynaming the Foundation as a recipient of a workplace otherwise would not be able to afford. There are manycampaign contribution. Many employers will match ways to give: personal gifts made by their employees, sometimes Become a monthly supporter. even offering to double or triple an employees personal Make a one-time cash gift. donation. Please contact your Human Resources Give in memory of, or in honor of, someone special. Department to find out if your company offers a workplace giving program or if they will match your Make a charitable gift of stocks, bonds, or mutual funds. gift to the HealthWell Foundation.Connect with Us on Social Media Keep Making a DifferenceYou could change someones life by connectingPlease visit us online at www.HealthWellFoundation.org with us! Help broaden our reach and increaseto learn more and to make a tax-deductible gift today.awareness about our programs and resources. Give online: www.HealthWellFoundation.org/donateLike us on Facebook atFacebook.com/healthwellfoundation Mail your check payable to the HealthWell Foundation:Follow us on Twitter @HealthWellOrg HealthWell Foundation 20440 Century Boulevard, Suite 250 Follow us on Instagram at Germantown, MD 20874https://www.instagram.com/healthwellfoundation/Call us: HealthWells Development Office (240) 632-5300Connect with us on LinkedIn atwww.linkedin.com/company/healthwell-foundation Email us: [email protected] 12 HEALTHWELL FOUNDATION 2018 ANNUAL REPORT'