b'2018Our Most CelebratedYear to Date HealthWell recognizes and gives thanks to theOur Commitment to Compliancestakeholders who helped propel us through a year inCharitable patient assistance programs (CPAPs), like which we assisted a record number of patients withHealthWell Foundation, are structured, governed, a record amount of financial support. In fact, 2018and operated in compliance with federal legal and represented the most impactful and productive year inregulatory requirements and are subject to oversight by HealthWells history.the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Due to the generosity and continued commitment ofOffice of Inspector General (OIG), whose mission is to our donors, HealthWell received more than $427.5protect the integrity of federal health care programs. million in individual and corporate donations, whichHealthWell operates well within the parameters of our allowed us to broaden our funds across a variety offavorable OIG opinions and fosters patient compliance disease areas and increase the number of patients wewith physicians, allowing eligible patients to follow their assisted through our programs. doctors orders and access the best medical treatments Momentum in 2018 propelled the Foundation to newfor their conditions, regardless of manufacturer or cost. levels and enabled us to: As required by applicable legal and regulatory requirements, HealthWell has implemented and Award more than $512million to overmaintains safeguards and protocols to ensure that 117,500 underinsured Americans beneficiaries are not induced to use donor products representing growth of more than 28,000over others. In fact, eligible patients are free to choose patients over any prior year.and change their provider, pharmacy, treatment or therapy at any time without affecting their Launch our dedicated contact centereligibility for support or assistance from HealthWell. subsidiary, HWF Direct, LLC. The contactHealthWells discretion as to the use of the donations center is home to more than 70 professionalto a disease fund is absolute, independent of donors, representatives who handle up to 26,000+and autonomous. According to our OIG opinion, the callers each month. Foundation may not disclose the identity of our donors, Newly open or re-open 18 different which precludes us from thanking them publicly.disease funds.We continue to lead by example by making full and strict regulatory compliance the cornerstone of our Continue to operate nearly 50 funds in aoperations. Our principal organizational values variety of disease areas throughout the year. support our belief that CPAPs should do more than Maintain superior efficiency with ajust meet the applicable legal and OIG requirements. continued overhead rate of under 3%We are proud that, since awarding our first grant foundation-wide, while never havingin 2004, we have provided over $1.25 billion in utilized any donor dollars to pay anyfinancial assistance through the end of 2018 to administrative expenses. over 405,000 patients who otherwise would have nowhere else to turn. Everyone in our organization Continue, as always, to honor all grantsis motivated by the knowledge that there is a awarded by supporting all existing patientstremendous need for the service we offer and that with active grants even if the fund had towe are addressing an issue thats vital to the lives of temporarily close to new applicants. everyone in this country. That compels us to provide the greatest level of assistance we possibly can. HEALTHWELL FOUNDATION 2018 ANNUAL REPORT PAGE 11'