b'Words of Thanks and GratitudeJust a short note to let you know that I have just filled myIf you have had a chronic illness with symptoms and side first prescription and used the money you gave me in myeffects so awful you feel ashamed and beyond help, then grant. To go fill that prescription and not worry about theyou know how I felt when I first came down with Tardive cost was such a relief. I was prescribed two pills in theDyskinesia. Tardive Dyskinesia, often referred to as TD, is morning and two at night, but I only took one in the a.m.characterized by uncontrollable muscle movements and, and one in the p.m. so that I couldstarting in 2008, the involuntary stretch out what pills I had. I wastwitches and jerks took over many questioning whether to just not refillparts of my body. It was disfiguring the prescription when I had takenand painful. all of the remaining pills. I went online and learned that I retired early and used much ofantipsychotic medicines had been my retirement money to pay forcausing Tardive Dyskinesia since Karen medical bills due to breast cancer.Allison the 1950s, and Id been taking I do have a retirement account and social security, but I stillthose for my bipolar disorder for eight years. The shakes have a house payment which surely does take a lot of myhad gotten so bad at night I couldnt sleep in the same bed monthly money. This grant has surely helped me, and I thankas my husband. I cant even sleep. I started losing my teeth you for that. from grinding them. I saw six neurologists and they said my I know I will not use all of what you have given me by thesymptoms were psychosomatic. The medical shunning about end of my grant time. I am hoping I can apply again andbroke me. I cried constantly. Finally, someone diagnosed me receive another grant for the next year. Thank you again. properly and said, Young lady, youre going to have to learn to suck it up, by which I took to mean life was only going to Karen M. get worse. (Hypercholesterolemia Grant Recipient) A few years later the miracle I had hoped for arrived when the Roanoke, VirginiaFDA approved the first ever treatment for Tardive Dyskinesia. It was a VERY big deal, and I had no trouble getting Medicare I would very much like to thank your Foundation for thatto prior authorize coverage for it, but my out-of-pocket incredible grant that you provided. My doctor mentioned thatcosts would wipe me out. I mean, Id lose my house. My in a recent lab update that my viral count was quite low, thatpharmacist mentioned the HealthWell Foundation. By that the medication was working. Amazing and wonderful to betime, I was emotionally tapped out. Im neither rich nor poor, cured from a chronic condition. but somewhere in the middle. I didnt think Id qualify for a Rachel and her mother, Lorna, andgrant or anything. The pharmacist said, Lets just try. The her father, Cliff, are my first rateapplication only has a few questions, and we can complete health advocates. Without them, Iit over the phone. A few moments later, I had my grant. We would truly be lost. More importantlyboth feel so blessed I have great treatment for a very tough though, they are the best friendsdisease whose symptoms and side effects had made me feel that I could ever imagine. They allradioactive, like a medical leper. have been going above and beyondToday life isnt perfect, but Im grateful for what Ive got, which Bob and friend Rachel and are an inspiration to me. is the best now Ive had in years. Thats because someone Again, I thank you and your admirable Foundation.lent me a helping hand. That someone is the HealthWell Foundation. There are so many people in need who dont Thank you once more HealthWell Foundation for yourthink theyre eligible for assistance. Together, we can let them lifesaving work.know HealthWell is there for them.Robert S. Allison B. (Hepatitis C Grant Recipient) (Tardive Dyskinesia Grant Recipient)Seattle, Washington Hollywood, Florida PAGE 4 HEALTHWELL FOUNDATION 2022 ANNUAL REPORT'