b'Changing Lives With Your Support2020 was a year that many of us will never forget. During thesewho needed assistance with critical medical treatments. trying times, we were humbled by the outpouring of support weWithout the dedication of our donors, we would not be able to received from our dedicated individual and corporate donors. Ascontinue our life-changing, sometimes lifesaving, work. Your a result of their selfless generosity, we were able to assist a recorddonation helps us say Yes, we can help you to patients who number of patients through our programs in 2020. While thewould otherwise forgo critical medical treatments due to cost. COVID-19 pandemic continued to grip our nation and the world,Through generous contributions from donors, like you, we are the critical need for our services became even more apparent. Weable to change the lives of tens of thousands of underinsured were honored to have increased our individual donors to moreAmericans every year. Your tax-deductible contribution to than 40,000over 14,000 giving selflessly in 2020and to haveHealthWell is put to work immediately to make a life-changing diversified and broadened our corporate donor base. Throughdifference to people in urgent need of assistance. Also, 99 percent their dedication to our mission, we were able to assist families likeof every dollar donated to HealthWell goes directly to patient Kenneth and Christina, and Bobby and Monique with COVID-19grants and services! There are a variety of ways you can help us ancillary costs, and patients like Nicoles father James, and Jim,carry out our life-changing work.Tribute or Memorial DonationShop for Our CauseConsider a tribute or memorial gift to honor a lovedDid you know that you can support HealthWell one. Many people choose to commemorate occasionsevery time you shop on Amazon? Amazon willYou shop. Amazon gives.by contributing to an organization that is close to their hearts.donate 0.5 percent of the price of your eligible purchases to the HealthWell Foundation when you shop at AmazonSmile. Donor-Advised FundsHelp thousands of patients afford the medications andFundraiseessential treatments they need with your donor-advisedDedicate your birthday or another special occasion to fund (DAF). If you have a DAF with Fidelity Charitable,the HealthWell Foundation and invite your friends and Schwab Charitable, or BNY Mellon, consider a gift to the HealthWellfamily to donate in your honor. Foundation using our DAF Direct Tool. Planned GivingCreate a Fundraiser on Facebook You can make an extraordinary difference in the lives You can easily create a fundraiser for HealthWell byof others by making a planned gift to the HealthWell visiting our Facebook page. Our team is here to provideFoundation. Remembering the HealthWell Foundation in support to get your fundraiser up and running. If you have anyyour will or trust is one of the most meaningful gifts you questions about getting started, send us a message on our pagecan offer to those who struggle with chronic illnesses and need the and we will be in touch soon. financial support for their lifesaving medications when their health insurance simply is not enough. For more information on how to add a Workplace Giving charitable component to your estate plans, please contact Brian Katz, Employees can support the HealthWell Foundation byManager, Development and Individual Giving at (240) 257-5159.naming the Foundation as a recipient of a workplaceOther Ways To Givecampaign contribution. Many employers will match personal giftsStock donation: A gift of appreciated stock and mutual made by their employees, sometimes even tripling an employeesfunds to HealthWell can offer tax advantages. Consult personal donation. Such programs may be open to spouses ofyour financial planner or tax advisor to determine whether employees, retirees, and spouses of retirees. Contact your Humanit is worth considering. To make a stock donation to Resources Department to find out whether your company offers aHealthWell, either you or your financial advisor can contact Brian workplace giving or matching gifts program. Katz, Manager, Development and Individual Giving at (240) 257-5159 Did you know that many employers allow you to donate to non-profitor via email at [email protected] through a payroll deduction? If you are interested,To learn more about these options and other ways you can support ask your accounting representative about this option, and considerour life-changing work, visit us at https://www.healthwellfoundation.adding the HealthWell Foundation to your payroll deduction.org/donors/individual-donors/Connect With Us on Social Media Keep Making a DifferenceLike us at Facebook.com/healthwellfoundation Give online: www.HealthWellFoundation.org/donateFollow us on Twitter @HealthWellOrg Mail your check payable to the HealthWell Foundation at 20440 Century Boulevard, Suite 250, Germantown, MD 20874Follow us at Instagram.com/healthwellfoundation/ Call us: Development and Individual Giving (240) 257-5159Follow us at Linkedin.com/company/healthwell-foundation Email us: [email protected] 16|HEALTHWELL FOUNDATION 2020 ANNUAL REPORT'