HealthWell Foundation  |  20440 Century Blvd., Suite 250  |  Germantown, MD 20874 Addressing a critical need, the HealthWell Foundation is an independent 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to reducing financial barriers to care for underinsured Americans with chronic and life-altering medical conditions. HealthWell is a financial lifeline for adults and children who desperately need critical medical treatments but can’t afford them. We help patients pay their share of prescription copayments, deductibles, health insurance premiums, and other ancillary costs. By reducing their financial stress, the people we serve can focus on what’s most important: their health. WEBSITE: PHONE: (240) 632-5300 FACEBOOK: TWITTER: @HealthWellOrg YOUTUBE SEARCH: HealthWell Foundation LINKEDIN SEARCH: HealthWell Foundation