Time for You Thursday: Well Meaning Assistance
Finding financial assistance for caregivers and care recipients
If financial constraints have you spending a lot of time figuring out how to pay for medical care for yourself or a loved one, here’s something worth spending a few minutes to check out.
The HealthWell Foundation, a non-profit charitable organization started in 2003, provides financial assistance to cover the cost of prescription drug coinsurance, co-payments and deductibles, health-insurance premiums, and other selected costs for patients who have some medical coverage but still have difficulty meeting their out-of-pocket expenses.
The HealthWell Foundation, which has provided assistance to over 35,000 patients and allocated millions of dollars in grant money to patients living with breast cancer, colon cancer, asthma, psoriasis, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, rheumatoid arthritis, and many other conditions, considers individual financial, medical and insurance situations when determining assistance eligibility.
For more information, eligibility requirements and applications, click here. It could be time very well spent.