• By Jamie Elizabeth Rosen, Editor, Real World Health Care  |  May 14, 2014

    Four Ways Data is Transforming Your Health

    The increasing availability of data about health care in the U.S. is empowering patients to take charge of their care and quietly revolutionizing how patients are treated. Last month, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released data on which services were provided by over 880,000 health care providers, how…more.

    Categories: General
  • By Linda Barlow  |  Mar 21, 2013

    Express Scripts Provides Roadmap to Improve Health Care, Reduce Costs and Streamline Delivery of the Medicine Patients Need

    You might be in a “utilization management program” and not know what that means or why it matters to your health. Offered by a variety of employers across industries, utilization management programs are designed to help patients evaluate their health care options and make decisions about the type of services they receive.…more.

    Categories: Access to Care
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