• By Linda Barlow  |  Sep 8, 2015

    Most Americans Say They Can Afford Drugs but the Sick Still Struggle

    According to an August Kaiser Health Tracking Poll, it appears that most Americans (72%) can afford their prescription drugs. However, one in four Americans surveyed indicate difficulties, including more than four in ten people who are sick. Others facing difficulties paying for their prescription drugs include those with low incomes…more.

    Categories: Cost-Savings, General
  • By Shawn J. Green, PhD, Co-founder, Berkeley Test  |  Jul 16, 2013

    More Patients DASH to New Solution to Reduce High Blood Pressure: Part I

    What’s the solution to reversing the tide of hypertension, the most commonly diagnosed condition in the United States?  More evidence indicates that the answer begins with the food choices we make every day. An underlying cause of heart attacks, strokes and kidney disease, one in three American adults now experiences…more.

  • By Linda Barlow  |  Jul 10, 2013

    Are Shorter Doctor’s Office Wait Times Just a Phone Call Away?

    Nobody likes to wait, especially at the doctor’s office. No one knows for sure what will happen to wait times, which average from about 16 minutes to just over 24 minutes nationwide according to Vitals – as 30 million more Americans obtain health care coverage under the Affordable Care Act. But it stands to reason…more.

    Categories: Access to Care
  • By Linda Barlow  |  Apr 23, 2013

    Telehealth Opens Doors to Enhance Health Outcomes and Reduce Costs

    Telehealth solutions are making significant inroads to reverse high health care expenditures and reduce noncompliance with prescription therapies – issues that especially impact those living with chronic disease. By engaging patients in health education through classes, patient portals, real-time patient-provider consultations, online discussion forums and more, telehealth strategies empower providers…more.

    Categories: Cost-Savings