• By Paul DeMiglio  |  Oct 10, 2013

    Not Your Mother’s Big Pharma

    In a September 29 article in Adweek, Joan Voight demonstrates how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is expected to create new opportunities for pharmaceutical stakeholders to play a more active, personalized role in managing patient care through interactive web-based tools. Three aspects of the ACA will change the way treatment…more.

  • By Shawn J. Green, PhD, Co-founder, Berkeley Test  |  Jul 16, 2013

    More Patients DASH to New Solution to Reduce High Blood Pressure: Part I

    What’s the solution to reversing the tide of hypertension, the most commonly diagnosed condition in the United States?  More evidence indicates that the answer begins with the food choices we make every day. An underlying cause of heart attacks, strokes and kidney disease, one in three American adults now experiences…more.