• By Ellyn Kerr, M.Sc., science/technology communications consultant  |  Oct 20, 2014

    Dealing with Breast Cancer Stresses: Supporting the Supporters

      With one in eight women developing invasive breast cancer in her lifetime, most of us know at least one person who has been diagnosed. Each October, Breast Cancer Awareness month in North America highlights the excruciating experience of this disease and its courses of treatment. In a previous RealWorldHealthCare.org…more.

  • By Holly Stewart  |  Oct 14, 2014

    An Overview of “Breast Density: How to See Clearly Through the Fog”

    In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, RealWorldHealthCare is showcasing an interview with surgical breast specialist, Dr. Kristi Funk, founder of the Pink Lotus Breast Center.  The Beverly Hills, California based center is a state of the art facility, dedicated to the prevention, screening, diagnosis, and treatment of breast cancer.…more.

  • By Amy Gurowitz, MS patient advocate, blogger at MSLOL, and Founder and Director of MSSoftServe  |  Jun 24, 2014

    Learning About Multiple Sclerosis (MS) on the Internet: What Works and What Doesn’t?

    If you have multiple sclerosis there is a lot that doesn’t work. And what isn’t working is both unpredictable and constantly changing. MS affects everyone differently. And it’s a very wide range of different. While one person may have sensory issues (perhaps a leg is always numb), another person may…more.

    Categories: General
  • By Roy Schoenberg, MD, MPH, Co-Founder and CEO, American Well Systems  |  Jun 18, 2014

    A Leap Forward for Virtual Health Care

    Have you ever sat in a doctor’s office waiting room wishing your physician could have visited you at home? In many states, physicians can now conduct evaluations directly through your laptop, smart phone, or tablet, and patients are responding with enthusiasm. However, medical boards in some states have adhered to…more.

  • By Ellyn Kerr, M.Sc., science/technology communications consultant  |  May 30, 2014

    Coping with Cancer: Managing Anxiety with Body-based Methods

    The frightening gravity of cancer is difficult to convey. Every treatment option has undesirable, potentially distressing side effects. Medical costs can easily surpass financial resources, compounding stress and limiting patients’ treatment options. Realistic anxiety about death becomes a prevalent companion. We know stress weakens the immune system, interferes with digestion,…more.

    Categories: General
  • By Joel L. Zive, BS, PharmD, Adjunct Clinical Faculty at the University of Florida College of Pharmacy  |  May 19, 2014

    Cultural Competency Key to Positive Health Outcomes

    Early in my pharmacy career, a hospital social worker referred to me a deaf patient. He had a reputation for being rude and belligerent to providers. After our first encounter, I was no exception. However, after looking at health care from his perspective – slow communication, unthinking providers, long waits…more.

  • By Jamie Elizabeth Rosen, Editor, Real World Health Care  |  May 14, 2014

    Four Ways Data is Transforming Your Health

    The increasing availability of data about health care in the U.S. is empowering patients to take charge of their care and quietly revolutionizing how patients are treated. Last month, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released data on which services were provided by over 880,000 health care providers, how…more.

    Categories: General
  • By Sharon Smith, MD FAAP and Charles Thompson, MD FAAP, Co-Leads, KIDS Connecticut  |  Apr 23, 2014

    KIDS: Providing Children and Families a Voice in Medicine, Research, and Innovation

    The active involvement of patients in health care choices, diseases, research, and innovation is an area of recent focus for many public and private entities (e.g., FDA’s Patient-Focused Drug Development initiative).  As an innovative method to engage children, the KIDS (Kids and Families Impacting Disease Through Science) project was launched…more.