By Real World Health Care Editorial Staff  |  Aug 21, 2024

HealthWell Foundation Achieves One Million Patients Assisted Milestone

The HealthWell Foundation has achieved a significant milestone by providing financial assistance to one million underinsured patients to help them afford critical, often lifesaving, treatments.

Since awarding its first grant in 2004, HealthWell has provided medication copayment and insurance premium assistance across more than 90 disease areas, including over 30 oncology funds and special initiative funds for pediatrics and cancer-related behavioral health.

Headshot of David Knowlton, Board Chair at HealthWell Foundation.“While we are humbled that we have been able to provide one million underinsured Americans with critical support, we anxiously await the day when our nation’s health care system is transformed and our services are no longer needed,” said David L. Knowlton, HealthWell Foundation Board Chair. “But as long as there are patients who need our services, we will continue to carry out our mission to provide a financial lifeline for underinsured Americans so they can access medical treatments they otherwise could not afford.”

“I am so very grateful to have been awarded a grant by the HealthWell Foundation for my cardiomyopathy medication,” said grant recipient Susanne S. of Jacksonville, Florida. “The grant for a period of one year for $10,000 is a major blessing to my family and will ultimately save my life.”

“When my husband and I learned how much the medications would cost, he said, ‘We’re going to have to sell the house,’” she continued. “When the medication arrived, my husband brought in the mail and had tears in his eyes. He said to me, ‘Is this what I think it is?’ I opened the package and there were tears of joy in both our eyes. There was my prescription for 30 days for both my medications with a no copay label attached! Your generosity is extremely overwhelming. Thank you doesn’t seem to be enough but Thank You!”

Underinsurance in America

HealthWell Foundation was established in 2003 to address a serious gap in the American health care system. Underinsured patients too often must pay exorbitant deductibles, copayments and other out-of-pocket costs. Many patients with serious, chronic, or life-altering illnesses face impossible decisions about paying for their medicine or paying for rent or food.

Multiple surveys and research show underinsured Americans struggle to afford medication. The Commonwealth Fund Health Care Affordability Survey showed that many Americans have inadequate health insurance coverage – and the result has led to delayed or forgone care, significant medical debt, and worsening health problems.

Knowlton said, “No one should go without the medication they need because their health insurance is not enough. Since its inception, HealthWell has provided over $4 billion in financial support through more than 1.5 million grants to access life-changing medical treatments. Grants range from several hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars; some patients may receive multiple grants.”

Knowlton thanked HealthWell Foundation’s individual and corporate donors for enabling the organization to reach the one million patient milestone.

“The support of our donors is a testimony to the importance of our work and their faith in our ability to execute effectively and efficiently on our mission,” Knowlton said. “We believe their trust is a direct result of the integrity and high standards with which we operate. Our commitment to compliance with all federal rules and regulations governing charitable copay assistance programs is unwavering. We go to great lengths to exceed this guidance in terms of compliance, efficiency, ethical behavior, and financial responsibility.”

Listen to the iHeart Radio Podcast to Learn More About How HealthWell Assists the Underinsured

In a just-launched iHeart Radio podcast, Washington, D.C.-based iHeart Radio personality, Chilli Amar, spoke with HealthWell Foundation’s Chief Development Officer, Alan Klein, about how HealthWell is bringing help, healing and hope to people struggling to afford their out-of-pocket costs for critical medical treatments. Listen now.

To learn more about HealthWell programs and robust portfolio of disease funds, visit To share your HealthWell Foundation story, please visit From Those We Serve.