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HealthWell Foundation 1st Quarter 2024 Update and 2nd Quarter Initiatives

Thank You for Your Patience and Support!

With the first quarter of 2024 behind us, we would like to thank you for your patience and continued support of our mission. Historically, the first few weeks of each year are extremely busy for the HealthWell team. This year was no different and we received an unprecedented number of incoming calls through our hotline. In fact, in January alone, our contact center received more than 100,000 inquiries from patients, caregivers, providers, pharmacies, and advocates seeking financial assistance. While our specialists worked diligently to handle all inquiries as they were received, those who reached out to us experienced much higher than normal wait times. It is with sincere appreciation that we thank you for your patience during this busy time. 

We are happy to report that incoming calls have returned to normal volume and our average speed of answer has been restored from two hours to less than seven minutes. Thank you to our dedicated contact center team for their diligence in making sure each caller received the time and attention needed to handle their inquiries. 

On behalf of our Board and our corporate and contact center teams, we would also like to thank our individual and corporate donors. As a result of your generosity, we were able to re-open a multitude of funds during the first quarter to assist those who had nowhere else to turn. Your continued support and the trust you place in us to carry out our mission enable us to provide life-changing financial assistance to those who need us most. We are truly thankful for your generosity. 

We have more exciting news to share and hope you’ll continue to read.  

HealthWell Welcomes New Member to Board of Directors

Photo of Rob Moroni, CPA, HealthWell Board Member

Robert C. Moroni, CPA

In February, we announced the election of Robert D. Moroni, CPA, to our Board of Directors. Bringing more than 35 years’ experience in finance, operations, and human resources to the Foundation, Mr. Moroni is a Senior Talent executive for the international law firm, Greenberg Traurig. 

Mr. Moroni commented, “I am honored to accept election as a Director on the HealthWell Foundation’s Board. HealthWell’s critical mission to reduce financial barriers to care for America’s underinsured is one that I have aspired to for many years. I look forward to working with the Board and senior management to support their mission through innovative strategies that enhance the Foundation’s program and services.” 

“As the HealthWell Foundation continues to grow and expand our program to assist America’s underinsured, it is an honor to welcome Rob to our Board,” said HealthWell’s Board Chair, David L. Knowlton. “Rob’s expertise in health services and robust knowledge of legislative and regulatory affairs in the health care arena will provide valuable insight and new perspectives in furthering our mission to reduce financial barriers to care for those who have nowhere else to turn.” 

To learn more about Mr. Moroni, visit the “Who We Are” section of our website.

HealthWell Foundation Participates in The White House Minority Health Forum

Alan Klein, HealthWell’s Chief Development Officer

Alan Klein, HealthWell’s Chief Development Officer

On April 18th, we were excited to announce our participation in the White House Minority Health Forum. Alan Klein, HealthWell Foundation Chief Development Officer, attended the Forum and participated in the breakout session: Making Innovation & Research Work for Everyone.  

The White House Minority Health Forum aims to highlight progress, discuss challenges, and identify new actions from the federal government and the private sector to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequities. The Office of Science & Technology Policy convened key health leaders, advocates, physicians, researchers, and administration officials for the Forum. 

“We were honored by The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy’s invitation to take part in this critical discussion among key health leaders,” said HealthWell Foundation Board Chair, David L. Knowlton. “We are pleased to be represented among this prestigious group by our Chief Development Officer, Alan Klein, who devotes a great deal of his time to determining where there are gaps in health care. Since 2003, the HealthWell Foundation has worked diligently to reduce financial barriers to care for underinsured Americans who would otherwise forgo critical, often lifesaving, medical treatments due to cost. As a resource for the Cancer Moonshot initiative, we have committed to launching new programs to improve health outcomes and health inequities for oncology patients and look forward to continuing timely discussions with key stakeholders to identify new opportunities to serve those in need.”       

HealthWell Joins the Bright Lights of Broadway

HealthWell took its message to the crossroads of the world with a seven-story electronic billboard campaign at MarketSite, the Times Square headquarters of Nasdaq in New York City. The billboard – located in one of the most photographed places in the world – makes a bold impression on the 350,000+ people who pass by it each day. 

We look forward to lighting up Broadway again in September and November with campaigns focusing on our Emergency/Medical Workers Behavioral Health Fund and our Giving Tuesday initiatives. We hope you’ll stay tuned for more information.

HealthWell ad on Nasdaq Tower, Times Square

HealthWell Spreads the Word in Times Square, March 14-21, 2024

2023 Year in Review Now Available

In our last issue, we reported on HealthWell’s preliminary results of operations for 2023. You can now get a quick snapshot of our accomplishments and details of our unwavering commitment to assist patients in need in our recently published 2023 Year in Review. View and download it here 

2024 Conferences: HealthWell Connects with Patient & Provider Communities

Chelsea Lingrel and Linda Haglund at American Pharmacists Association 2024

HealthWell staffers Chelsea Lingrel (left) and Linda Haglund (right) welcome attendees to the HealthWell Foundation booth at the American Pharmacists Association Annual meeting in Orlando, FL.

HealthWell is always grateful to connect with the patients we assist and the organizations who serve them. Exhibiting at conferences gives us an excellent opportunity to spread the word about our mission and the role of charitable patient assistance programs (CPAPs) in helping people access the medications and treatments they need. 

We especially look forward to our center-stage role at the upcoming Asembia Specialty Pharmacy Summit. On Wednesday, May 1, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. PDT, our Chief Development Officer, Alan Klein, and Fred Larbi, Chief Operations Officer, will be joined by Chuck Collins, President, Healthcare Stakeholders Solutions, LLC; Melissa Paige, President of the National Association of Medication Access & Patient Advocacy; and Eyad Farah, Chief Operating Officer, Orsini Specialty Pharmacy. The panelists will deliver a highly anticipated discussion on Implementing & Managing the Details and Upside Patient Financial Impact from the IRA. Part one of this panel discussion, held at last year’s Asembia Summit, drew a standing-room-only crowd, and we anticipate a lively conversation and eager audience at this year’s event. 

If you are attending the Summit, please add the panel discussion to your schedule and be sure to visit the HealthWell team in booth #1315 to learn more about our life-changing work. 

Our 2024 conference lineup is filled with industry and disease-specific events where we can share timely information about our programs and services and identify new ways to work together to assist even more patients in need. Visit our Conference page for a full list of 2024 conferences. If you are attending one of these conferences, please look us up!  

It’s Time to Plan for the Future

No matter your age or stage in life, it’s never too early to think about planning for the future. Having a will saves time, money, and stress for your loved ones after you pass. In the spirit of providing accessible health and safety resources to our community, HealthWell partnered with FreeWill to provide an online will-writing tool. It’s safe, secure, and takes 20 minutes or less to complete – and it’s 100% free to use! Claim your free will today! 

Stay in the Know: Subscribe to Real World Health Care

Since 2013, Real World Health Care has featured compelling content on health care issues affecting Americans. From features on the people and programs changing the way health care is delivered, to interviews with leading researchers and clinicians, to profiles of patient advocacy organizations, RWHC has provided valuable insights and information to those interested in both the current state and the future of health care. Subscribe today to read our latest coverage of the White House Cancer Moonshot program, the Inflation Reduction Act’s effects on Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage, and issues facing people living with type 2 diabetes. 

Make Your Qualified Charitable Distribution to the HealthWell Foundation

Giving the gift help, healing and hope to a patient with a chronic or life-altering illness through a contribution to the HealthWell Foundation is one way to help America’s underinsured continue to have a financial resource to assist with critical medical treatments they otherwise would not be able to afford. 

Do you own an individual retirement account (IRA)? Are you over age 70½? Did you know that you can transfer up to $100,000 to charity tax-free each year? 

These transfers, known as Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs), offer eligible older Americans a great way to easily donate to organizations like HealthWell before the end of the year. For individuals at least 72 years old, QCDs count toward the IRA owner’s required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year.  

Here are three reasons why you should consider utilizing QCDs this year: 

  1. QCDs allow you to fulfill your RMD without increasing your taxable income.
  2. You don’t have to itemize deductions to enjoy the tax benefits of a QCD.
  3. QCDs maximize the impact you make on charitable causes.

Learn about more ways to help us reduce financial barriers to care here. 

Your Support Changes Lives

Did you know that 100 percent of your tax-deductible donation is put to work immediately to assist patients who would otherwise forgo critical, potentially lifesaving, medical treatments simply because they can’t afford them? Because of your generosity, since awarding our first grant in 2004, we have been able to assist more than 930,000 patients with chronic or life-altering diseases. Thank you for helping us help so many in need.  

Here are a few ways you can support our mission:   

  1. Make a tax-deductible contribution 
  2. Donate in the name of a friend or loved one.  
  3. Include the HealthWell Foundation in your estate plans.  

Help Us Help Those Who Have Nowhere Else to Turn

Helping us spread the word is also a critical, and highly valued, contribution to the HealthWell Foundation. You can help by sharing the life-changing work we do. Connect with us through our social communities! Here’s how you can help us make a difference in the life of a patient in need today!  

  1. Create a Facebook fundraiser to commemorate a birthday, anniversary or other special occasion. 
  2. Spread the word about the important work we do by sharing your HealthWell story.  


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Thank you for helping us help others in any way you can. 

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