Why Is Healthcare Struggling with Patient Engagement?

03.16.2015Real World Health Care

Real World Health Care


By Linda Barlow

Banks, airlines and other consumer industries have long since figured out how to engage customers using technology. But not so with healthcare, according to a report from Chilmark Research.

The report — based on interviews with healthcare executives, clinicians and technology suppliers — found that basic patient portals tied to electronic health records (EHRs) are the foundation for a majority of digital patient interactions. However, some provider organizations have yet to adopt these basic patient portals, placing patient engagement behind other enterprise priorities.

One of the primary problems facing patient engagement technologies, “Technology vendors currently serving the market have done a middling job of rolling these products out to their customers,” said Naveen Rao, analyst, Chilmark Research.

Read more about how technology vendors are lagging with patient engagement technology in this article from Healthcare IT News. Then, let us know what you think. Should patient engagement be considered the lynchpin of a successful modern healthcare IT strategy? How can providers and vendors work together better to ensure success? Sound off in the comments section.

– See more at: http://www.realworldhealthcare.org/2015/03/why-is-healthcare-struggling-with-patient-engagement/#sthash.DvySTcl5.dpuf

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