Those We Serve

Even among the insured, the high cost of medical care can put essential treatments out of reach. That’s where we come in. This is the face of HealthWell. These are the people we serve.

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Celebrating two decades of Help, Healing and Hope with stories from grateful grant recipients in HealthWell's 20th Anniversary Book.

HealthWell Foundation: Celebrating 20 Years of Help, Healing, and Hope.

Sharon "Sam" D. smiling with husband Jack, HealthWell Foundation grant recipient.
I wanted to reach out to share my sincere gratitude to your wonderful Foundation for extending the life of my husband, Jack, through your program. Read more...
Sharon "Sam" D.
Tom and Nelly L. embracing.
In the face of overwhelming adversity, we have strived to live through Tom’s ALS diagnosis with grace and dignity. Read more...
Tom and Nelly's Story
Jadon S. with a train set.
We were scrambling to save our business, our household, and trying to figure out how to get Jadon the care he needed. Read more...
Abby Shares Her Son Jadon's Story
Monique and her husband Bobby.
I definitely know I’m not alone when I say 2020 has not been the year I expected, but it’s shocking how quickly everything can get turned upside down. Read more...
Monique - Titusville, FL

Share your story

If you are a patient, family member, provider or advocate, we want to hear from you. Your story is a powerful way to help people understand how HealthWell makes a difference in people’s lives. If you prefer, you can share your story anonymously. We also welcome artwork, poetry, photos and other expressions of your experience. And we invite you to get in touch with us.

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We invite testimonials from patients, family members, providers and advocates. Please tell us how HealthWell's assistance made a difference in your life — or the life of your family member or patient.

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