Amber, Riverbank, CA

Close-up of young woman's face.

When my work informed us that our health insurance was changing to a high deductible plan with no prescription coverage, I panicked. Tears flowed down my face as I realized that the thousands of dollars it costs for my liver transplant medication would now be coming out of my pocket. How was I going to pay for my mortgage, food and bills with this kind of extra expense? My medication keeps me alive. There was no way I could survive without it. I immediately started searching the Internet for a solution. I could not find any help because I already have insurance and because our income was higher than the requirements. When I was about to give up all hope, I finally stumbled across HealthWell. Once I found out I was approved to have my medication paid for I was so relieved. Picking up that first prescription without 1K coming out of my pocket made me cry, this time tears of happiness. I no longer worry about how I will pay for my medication. To help hard working people out with this kind of problem is above and beyond.

I am forever thankful for HealthWell.