Please be aware that the HealthWell Foundation has detected individuals fraudulently using our donation form to test credit card numbers. HealthWell will never charge an individual’s card without their consent and we are working with our credit card vendor to remedy this issue. Our cybersecurity stopped 99% of the fraudulent attempts, and we are working to refund any cards that were charged. We apologize for this inconvenience. We routinely test the strength of our cybersecurity protection, which is why we were able to stop virtually all of the attempted transactions.

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We put 100% of your donation to work.

That means 100 percent of every dollar donated goes directly to patient grants and services. HealthWell covers it’s own administrative costs.

In 2023, we are proud that HealthWell spent 99% of every dollar it received from all sources on patient grants and services and only 1% on administrative costs.

Pie chart showing FY23 Expenses


ATTENTION: Please be advised that there are businesses whose names or product descriptions appear similar to HealthWell’s on credit card statements. These are typically subscription-based health and wellness services such as meal services, supplements, or fitness plans.

      As a reminder, the HealthWell Foundation will never charge donations to your credit card or PayPal account without your permission. 

HealthWell is recognized for efficiency by these organizations:

Comodo Secure badge

The HealthWell Foundation is a non-profit tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and donations to HealthWell are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. No goods or services were provided to you in consideration of your gift.

The HealthWell Foundation has partnered with Cybersource to securely process your online credit card donation. This transaction will appear on your credit card statement as "HealthWell Foundation."

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